Jew-Jitsu is back!

Ladies and gentlemen, Jew-Jitsu is back and it's better than ever!
We are thrilled to announce that Natan Levy's signature t-shirt is finally back on sale in a new and improved revision.

The original Jew-Jitsu shirt was an instant hit. we’ve since launched again only to sell out quickly.
This shirt has been in high demand since we stopped manufacturing it, and we have been working hard to bring it back for all of our loyal fans.

We were blown away by the response and we knew that we had to bring it back.
The new and improved design is back on unisex and female tank-tops as well as hats and patches for your gi!
We worked tirelessly to find the right manufacturer and the right materials to ensure that the new batch of Jew-Jitsu merch would be of highest-quality materials to be comfortable, durable, and stylish.

What is “Jew-Jitsu"?
Jew-Jitsu is a combination of two words: "Jew" and "Jiu-Jitsu". It's a funny pun with deeper meaning;
Natan Levy, is a proud member of the Jewish community and an icon of Jewish fighting spirit.
Natan describes JewJitsu as his style of fighting; it’s both grappling & striking, but more importantly it’s a statement of pride and identity,
It's a reminder that we are strong, we are resilient, and we are proud of our heritage.

We are thrilled to bring this shirt back to our fans, and we can't wait to see everyone wearing it!

So, if you're a fan of Natan Levy, Jiu-Jitsu, or just want the coolest shirt around, Get your shirt today and join the ranks of the Jew-Jitsu movement!


Don’t be another fake